Have you ever had one of those moments where you think, “Everything’s going so well… Something’s gonna go wrong any minute…” Maybe it’s just my inner cynic, but for as long as I can remember, when things have seemed too perfect, I’ve started waiting for something to go off track. Maybe it’s a bit of ‘cosmic balance’ I assume must exist. Whatever it is, it’s pretty deeply ingrained in my psyche, and, unfortunately, my pessimistic expectations were met this past week.
Since we drove off from Virginia, things had been going according to plan. Other than some minor to-be-expected, part-of-the-adventure hiccups, the pieces had been falling into place. We were knocking things off our to-do list, spending quality time with our friends and family, having fun sightseeing, and looking forward to the next leg of our trip. That’s when disaster struck and derailed all of our plans.
What happened?
We had just arrived at our newest campground in Massachusetts when we decided to take Dixie for a walk. Another dog owner had her two big dogs on a connected leash on the opposite side of the road. Suddenly, her dogs broke away from her and bolted toward us at full speed. In the blink of an eye, the dogs barreled into me, knocking me backward and into the ground. Almost immediately, I knew something was very wrong.
Kevin took me to the emergency room where an X-Ray and CT Scan confirmed just how bad the damage was. The orthopedic surgeon later said my tibia had been “pulverized.” Basically, when my leg hit the ground, my femur smashed into my tibia, completely destroying a whole section of the tibia’s surface.

What now?
Thursday, I’ll be having surgery to fix the mess. The surgeon will put the pieces back together again and secure it all with plates and screws. I’ll then be in a brace and on crutches for 8-12 weeks to let the bones heal. Eventually, I’ll start physical therapy to redevelop my range of motion.

Where are we?
This all happened in Massachusetts and that’s where we’ll be staying as I rehab my leg. This is good for several reasons. First, my brother and sister-in-law, Jeremy and Jen, live about 25 minutes from our campground.

They have been helping take care of me and have already provided all manner of assistance. From offering us a place to stay, shower, and do laundry if we get sick of Barney, to making and bringing us dinner, to giving us references for local shops and services, to giving us an address to ship our Amazon stuff to, to helping us come up with a list of things to see and do while we’re here, they have gone out of their way to help us navigate our situation. It probably goes without saying, but it is incredibly comforting to have close family nearby – especially considering they are the type of folks who would, quite literally, hand you the shirt off their back.
Similarly, my brother Andrew and sister-in-law Debbie, and my parents, are only about ninety minutes away and have been in regular contact, offering to help out with anything we need. Additionally, Kevin’s cousin Jill, who lives with her family in Massachusetts, also reached out to us as soon as she heard what happened. Having all these awesome people so close by has provided us with another layer of much appreciated support which allows us to focus on what we need to focus on.
Beyond our proximity to family, we’re also fortunate to be in this location because we have access to good medical care, we are close to many of the random conveniences we’ll need, and it’s just a decent place to set up shop for a couple months.
The only real problem is all the damn Patriots fans… 🙂
What about our travel plans?
I had sketched out our travel plans all the way through the beginning of February. Our general plan was to spend the next three weeks in Maine, then come back to Massachusetts for about a week before heading to Vermont for a week. We were then going to head south through New York and Pennsylvania on our way back to Virginia. Our calendar had us spending a couple weeks in Virginia and then making our way south to Florida where we would spend Christmas with Kevin’s family. In January we would move west across the Florida panhandle and spend early February in New Orleans.
At this point, everything up to and including our visit to Virginia in mid November has been canceled, since we’ll be sticking around here. I am hopeful we’ll be able to head out of here by late November / early December and just head straight to Florida for Christmas. We would then pick up the itinerary from there.

How much does all of this suck?
On a scale of 1 to 10, this is a solid 9.4 on the suck-o-meter. The reasons are obvious. However, we can’t dwell on the negative because it will accomplish nothing and the reality is, we have much to be thankful for. So, for the time being, I will focus on getting through the surgery and doing whatever my doctor tells me to do. My goal is to rehab this sucker as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. In order to do that, I know I need to take things one day at a time and not worry about anything I can’t control. I have a wonderful husband who is taking great care of me and who will be by my side every step of this process; we’ve got an awesome support system ready to assist whenever we call upon it; and, most helpfully, I’ve got a 75 pound fluff bucket dog who loves to veg out and snuggle on the sofa. What better therapy could there be?
More later, when I have become fully “bionic.”
Wow. Too bad you don’t know someone who could help you recover (RECOVER) from the neglect and carelessness of the camper staff who allowed you to be attacked and injured by an out-of-control pair of dogs. Someone like, maybe, a lawyer. Now you’ll have neat scars like athletes do.
Yeah, yeah… I know. But I thought I was done with courtrooms for a while….
So sorry this happened to you! We are here for anything you need. I still think your new bionic leg might make you want to be a long distance runner afterwards 🙂 hang in there and get well soon!
I love it when you go all “delusional” with your talk of marathons and the Pats…. Ha!
PS. Go, Pats! 🙂 🙂
OMG LMG!!!!!! I can’t believe it! But, what a great attitude you have, which is no surprise. Enjoy the down time and pampering, if you can. I guess you’ll be able to catch up on all that reading and correspondence you been meaning to do….. 🙁 Just know that things could be worse…. You could still be here arguing cases with Brad Haywood……
Ya know, of all the wonderful, heartwarming, lovely things people have said to me this past week to lift my spirits, none has been as effective as that. 🙂
So sorry this happened to you! At least you have family around you to help you physically and emotionally! Have a speedy recovery…for a minute there I thought I was in our coach..lol..I’m the one on Instagram with the exact same coach as yours..colors and all ( lofgrenburkett). Please take care and enjoy the down time as much as you can!
Thanks Dee Dee. Hopefully things are going more smoothly for you!!
That does rate extremely high on the suck-o-meter… Well, at least now you have the perfect excuse for sitting outside Barney, enjoying the fall colors, and day drinking. 🙂
That anonymous person suggesting you day drink was me, Randi, I don’t know why it’s coming up anonymous.
I’m glad you identified yourself. The number of people I know who would suggest drowning my sorrows in a full day of drinking is somewhat troubling. 🙂
Gee, tough “break”! Be careful the next time you think about the “next leg” of your trip. So very sorry Laura, and wishing you the best for a speedy recovery. Will keep you in my prayers. I’m far away, but do let me know if you need anything, esp since I’m here in the “Sunshine” state. Stay safe, chin up, drink copious amounts of alcohol.
Tough “break” Laura. Maybe you shouldn’t have been thinking of the next “leg” of your trip. My best wishes and prayers for your speedy recovery. Call if you need anything here in the “Sunshine” state. Drink copious amounts of alcohol. Take care and listen to your doctor.
(my second post cuz I don’t think the first one appeared)
Thanks Mike! If there is one thing I am good about, it’s listening to the doctor’s orders. I do whatever I’m told. And I’m pretty sure he will not agree that I should be drinking booze. 🙂 But I will take it easy and get lots of rest. Hopefully we’ll be back to normal before you know it!
I am so sorry to hear of your mishap. But things will get better
Thanks Walt! I hope retirement is treating you well and you found some fun stuff to focus on! If not, you could always buy an RV and go travel the country. Other than the occasional broken leg, it’s a lot of fun!! 🙂
OMG! The last thing we need in this lifestyle is an accident. Im sad to read about your accident but glad you are okey and surrounded by family and friends who answers to your beck and call.
Take it easy and I sense that you are now taking it in stride,
Thanks MonaLiza, It’s definitely been a challenge, but we’re getting by one day at a time. It most certainly helps to have close family nearby. It’s great to have the help, but more importantly, the support.
Im so sorry to see you in a cast. Bummer! Fortunately your family and friends are nearby to answer to your beck and call.
Take it easy now and just enjoy your downtime