
White Sands National Monument: Fun With a Chance of Dying

White Sands National Monument is a symphony of contradictions and one of the most compelling places we've visited.

Capturing the Blue Angels in Pensacola

We attended both a practice during the week and the air show on the weekend, and quickly learned that photographing these jets can be a giant pain in the ass.
Cape Breton Island National Park

Far Away in Cape Breton Island

Somewhere along the line, we heard that many Scottish immigrants were drawn to Cape Breton Island because the landscape reminded them of the Scottish Highlands. We haven't been to Scotland but we've seen plenty...

Vermont: A Perfect 10

There are 49 U.S. states that are not Vermont, and we're pretty sure all of them wish they could be half as cool as the Green Mountain State.

Surprise!! Nashville Rocks!

If you had asked me a year ago which destination I thought would be the first we'd return to, I can assure you my answer would not have been 'Nashville.'
Graceland Mansion in Memphis, Tennessee

Walking in Memphis, Part I – Graceland

We wanted to visit Graceland because it's one of those bucket list things you kinda have to do if you're out on a Great American Road Trip, but we almost bagged the idea...
Texas Capitol, Austin Texas

Good Luck and Great Timing in Austin

When it came to Austin, our timing was spot on, luck was on our side, and the end result was an awesome two week visit to a fantastic city.

Doing What Needs to be Done in New Orleans

Tell anyone you're heading to New Orleans and they will almost certainly reply with a list of things you "have to" eat, drink, see, or do while you're there.

“The Real Florida”: Lakes, Caverns, And Birds With Dirty Minds

Visit any Florida State Park and you'll be greeted with the motto "The Real Florida." It is, no doubt, a response to the belief among many that "Florida" equals "Disney World."

Dear People of Craigslist….WTF????

Seriously... What is wrong with you? Why are you so weird?? Why are you so rude?